
  • House icon

    Residential Painting

    Whether it’s your interior or exterior we can paint it.

  • Decks and Patios icon

    Decks and Patios

    Did shoveling destroy your deck’s finish?

  • Pressure Washing icon

    Pressure Washing

    If your vinyl or deck is dirty consider a pressure wash.

  • Fences icon


    Does your neighbor complain about your fence, we can fix that.


Ready to tackle your project?

Fill out this form below to submit an estimate request. I will reach out as soon as possible to learn more about the project and set up an estimate.

All estimates are free so there is truly nothing to lose.

My Vision

After working in the painting industry, I realized homeowners weren’t getting the service they deserved. I heard stories of poor communication, sub-par work never done right, and showing up late or not at all. I started D&P Painting CO. to remedy this issue.

We’re different, starting at the estimate. I work with you to provide an estimate tailored to your needs, saving you money on unnecessary service expenses. I communicate scheduling and ensure we arrive on time when you expect us. Before leaving and collecting final payment my painters walk the project with you to ensure you are 100% satisfied.

The Difference a Pressure Wash Can Make

Providing Homeowners The Service They Deserve


  • Oranssi project manager Jaya Dixon



  • Oranssi founder Drew Weber


    Production Manager

  • Oranssi general contractor Reese Platt



What Our Clients Say

  • "This was a well-trained crew. They worked well together, were courteous, took care to prep well, took time to plan strategy of painting one room and four connected ceilings. I would highly recommend them to anyone."

    Donna Archer

  • "Very respectful young hardworking students. Enjoyed their dedication to a final product good job."

    Alan Corson

  • "Awesome to work with! Very professional!"

    Jessica Field

  • "Wonderful attention to detail - very friendly, courteous crew. Would use these guys again!"

    Pamela Courrier

  • "Very happy with the job. So nice to see such nice young men working so hard and doing such a good job."

    Jim & Linda McMullen

  • "The work was very well done, and the workers were always pleasant and helpful."

    Helen M. LaFleur

  • "Parker + Devon were great."

    Cathleen Morrow